May 22nd, 1844Born in Tehran, Persia
- Lived a happy & carefree childhood born of nobility
- Very little education
- Father eventually declined high position in the court to help the poor instead
1852Father imprisoned
- Imprisoned four months in 'The Black Pit' for connections to Babi Faith
- Family reduced to poverty
Winter 1853Exile to Baghdad
- Family exiled to Baghdad, Iraq
- Spent much time discussion religious topics at the mosques
- Age 15 or 16: Composed commentary on a muslim tradition for a Sufi leader. This greatly impressed the recipient
1863 (age 18)Exile Constantinople
- Family banished to Constantinople
- Become sole comforter of his family, especially his mother
- Gradually became more and more respected by the Baha'i's (eventually known as The Master)
- Interceded to allow family to stay together in next banishment
1868 (age 24)Imprisonment in Akka
- Family banished to penal conoly of Akka, a stench-ridden prison surrounded by a walled city in Palestine
- Baha'is imprisoned in horrid conditions from the beginning
- Akka under jurisdiction of Ottoman sultan
- Abdul-Baha gradually took over relationship between Bahais in Akka and outside world
- Helped people of Akka understand the innocence of the Baha'is, leading to easing of their conditions of imprisonment, eventually moving out into the surrounding town
- 1870: Sudden death of younger brother Mirza Mihdi who died at age 22 devestated the family
- Stayed up all night in heart-felt vigil at his brother's body
- Eventually became very popular in the prison city
1873 (age 28)Married
- Married a Baha'i named Fatimeh Nahri
- Arranged at request of Abdul-Baha's Father, but was love at first sight
- Abdul-Baha had had no interest in marriage until meeting her
- Eventually had 9 children
1892Death of father
- Death of Baha'u'llah, Abdul-Baha's father
- Abdul-Baha appointed in Baha'u'llah's Will and Testament as His successor: The leader of Baha'is and the authoritative interpreter the Baha'i teachings
- Abdul-Baha's younger half-brother challenged his position, causing a conflict that lasted for the rest of Abdul-Baha's life
- Abdul-Baha once known to lament about how his half-brother poisoned his life terribly by attempting to slander him in many ways
- Half-brother ultimately failed to cause a schism in Baha'i faith, and his movement and followers were swept into obscurity
- Young turks revolution compelled Ottoman sultan to free religious and political prisoners
- Baha'is freed from prison
1910-1913International travels
- Egypt: Met with leading intellectuals, editors to major newspapers, government leaders
- England: Many talks and speeches with the general public
For more information see the wikipedia article